
How To Help A Loved One

One in three Americans at age 65 has hearing loss and over the entire population there are 33 million Americans that have hearing loss. Often times, hearing loss not only affects those suffering from it, but also their families and loved ones. Hearing loss is often a gradual issue that may not even be obvious to the person with the loss. It is important to be sensitive in pointing out to someone that they need to seek help with a hearing loss. Offering to join them for a hearing evaluation is a way to make them feel more comfortable with the process. I often recommend making a plan for both you and your family member to have hearing tested the same day. It can take the pressure off of the person and keep them from feeling singled out.

Signs of a Hearing Loss:

  • Difficulty understanding on the telephone
  • Requiring frequent repetition
  • Difficulty following conversations of more than 2-3 people
  • Difficulty following conversation in a noisy or crowded room
  • Feel that others seem to be mumbling
  • Difficulty hearing or understanding children or high pitch or soft voices
  • Keeping the radio or television at a high volume
  • Have ringing in your ears
  • Responding inappropriately to conversational questions
  • Feeling strained from putting in so much effort to hear and understand

Sometimes, medical issues can lead to hearing loss and it is just as important to keep these factors in mind.

The Better Hearing Institute suggests four major factors to consider:

  • Have a family history of hearing loss
  • Take medications that can harm the hearing system (ototoxic drugs)
  • Have diabetes, heart, circulation or thyroid problems
  • Have been exposed to very loud sounds over a long period or single exposure to explosive noise

Call us at (717) 925-6112 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have or click here to send us a message.

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